Treatise on Midwestern Living

Thursday, August 21, 2008

i apologize for my absence (prettybride). i have been quite busy with my new hobby which takes up a lot of time and energy. what is this new hobby, you ask. well, it is called non-recognization. i am not recognizing anything that i don't feel like recognizing, and it takes a lot of energy and thought. for example, one of my favorite people in the world moved, oh, about 3 months ago. and i have refused to recognize that he left me. i just pretend he has hideous boils on his face and refuses to leave his apartment. that is why he no longer meets me for breakfast at our little cafe on pennsylvania.

another one of my friends from law school "allegedly" moved too...i am refusing to recognize that as well...she even gathered things of mine she had and i pretended the reason she was giving them back to me because she was afraid i was going to start charging her interest on keeping them. she offered me some of her extra boxes; i pretended it was because she is a box collector and just no longer had room for them in her apartment.

and i refuse to recognize that the olympics are coming to an end (please refer to the last post....olympic fever has been running high over here). i watch it almost every night. i feel michael phelps is like my little brother; nastia luken is my new close friend. i hang out with olympians. i haven't come up with a reason on why they've stopped being on tv...if anyone can think of a way for me not to recognize this, props to you. all advice is welcome.

i did have to sort of recognize my irish princess, keegan, leaving me. the reason because i can't just pick up the phone and call her without incurring a large phone bill. however, that hasn't stopped me from avoiding logan when he brings it up (which he thinks my not recognizing things is SUPER healthy). at times, i pretend she is still just on her honeymoon, sitting in her cabana with drink in hand. or that she is living in texas on a ranch and can't get phone reception out there.

but i now must recognize i have laundry and work to do....don't be jealous!

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